Sunday in the park with friends, music, games for all, and Chili!
Contact us today to become a sponsor.
The 3rd Annual ChiliPalooza will be on Saturday, March 29, 2025 (12 noon,-5pm). It's an entire afternoon geared for the whole family. There is a competitive chili cook-off pavilion with many samples for people to try. There is also a friendly and competitive cornhole competition, live music for kids and adults at the gazebo, an open space for kids to play, and a beer and spirits garden to make the day even better.
Help support this new Kiwanis Club event, where 100% of the profits go back into the community. The proceeds will support kids' causes, school teams and clubs, athletics, and more.
Since this new event is growing, there are only three sponsorship levels. Please support the event and be part of this fun day. We cannot do this without the generosity of sponsors. This event is free to attend, so everyone can have a day in the park. However, there is a fee for Chili sampling and other food and beverages!
Kiwanis wants this to be a win-win for all, and we're open to creative ideas and customizing sponsorship opportunities. We want a fun day for families and friends, good chili, a ChiliPalooza winner crowned, and raise money for the youth of the South Bay.
Presenting Sponsor will be on all marketing elements. The sponsor will have signage on the perimeter fence that surrounds the entire event. “Kiwanis 2nd Annual ChiliPAlooza presented by Sponsor” will be listed prominently on all advertising, marketing materials, banners, website, and social media outreach. It will also be printed on the winner's trophies. Sponsor representative is encouraged to be at the award ceremony and help with the trophy presentations. If a sponsor wants a booth at the event, that is also part of the sponsorship.
This is the hottest opportunity. Only Ghost Pepper sponsors can have booths at the event. This booth can be for marketing, games, handouts or to meet and greet with the families of El Segundo. This also comes with all the sponsor benefits of the Chipotle and Green Chili divisions!
This sponsorship comes with naming rights to an activity or area at the ChiliPAlooza. This can be sponsorship of the main stage, the various games in the Fun Zone, the Chili Walk of Flavor or others. This also comes with all the marketing efforts assigned to the Green Chile division. Join on board.
This is the mildest sponsor, but it will lighten up the flame! This puts the company logo on all the marketing elements, including hundreds of posters in the windows of local businesses in El Segundo and Manhattan Beach. The posters will also go to all the parents in the school district. It also gives each sponsor two dedicated social media postings on the Kiwanis media network and shares them with other user groups in the area. Any printed materials for the ChiliPAlooza will include the logos. The logos will be sized according to the level of sponsorship commitment.